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- Understand that all bouquets are subject to substitutions

- Understand that you cannot request a specific delivery time

If you have questions about anything, please refer to the FAQ section or call before proceeding.


Sunny_Mood_sm.jpg Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet TEV43-2A $49.99 $49.99
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Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet - Deluxe
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week.
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Teleflora's Sunny Mood Bouquet - Premium
An instant pick-me-up! Beautifully arranged in a stylish cube vase, these radiant roses and lilies deliver smiles and sunshine, any day of the week.
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Greeting Card Upgrade
Upgrade your gift from a standard enclosure card to a full size greeting card.
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Stuffed Animal
A cute & cuddly critter is the perfect addition to any gift!

For all local floral orders: A delivery fee of $10 is added to each order (Due to our broad delivery area, rural delivery prices vary.) Note that we are unable to make deliveries on days that Graci's is closed, which includes all Sundays and most holidays. Deliveries requested on these days will be delivered the following business day. If no delivery date is specified, delivery will be made at our earliest convenience. Specific time requests ARE NOT POSSIBLE. We do our best to accommodate deliveries at specific times of day, but we cannot guarantee it. Order before 11am (EST) to ensure same day delivery. For more detailed information please contact us at (570)374-4923. We will be happy to accept international orders if you call our shop - We are unable to accept international orders online.