Dept 56. Halloween

Halloween Party House
Bobbing for Apples, Pin The Tail On The Skeleton, and a Pinata are some of the games found outside of the party house. Decorated with purple and silver metallic, this is certainly a welcome addition to Trick-Or-Treat Lane.
SKU 4051008Price $130.00

Black Light Bat CaveSKU 4057625Price $47.50
With fluorescent paint on the interior and LED black lights, the bat cave has a lot of eeriness going on! A dismembered skeleton on the floor adds to this haunted piece.

You Look Batastic!SKU 6003165Price $30.00
Before embarking on a long and spooky night of trick-or-treating, a girl in a homemade bat costume poses for her proud father to snap a few photos.

Being dead for so long that your flesh rots off isn't an excuse not to keep up with the trends of today! This cadaver couple poses for a selfie to show off their bone-tan to all their fiendish friends. And yes, the camera really flashes!
SKU 6003220Price $40.00

Lit Ghosts
A trio of spooky ghosts that glow with ethereal light, ready to haunt the dark alleys and tombstone rows of your Halloween Village.
SKU 6003303Price $40.00

I Scream Ice Cream TruckSKU 6004820Price $65.00
This year we kick off a new series with Haunted Wheels Food Trucks. Lit food trucks lining the streets of Snow Village Halloween will give residents a new choice in creepy cuisine. This truck serves ice cream, if it doesn't fall to the ground first.

Make You Scream for Ice CreamSKU 6004823Price $28.50
Not so nice vendor makes kids miserable while the ice cream hits the ground.

Haunted Swamp Shanty
What can be more spooky than a haunted swamp? In our swamp, we find the Haunted Swamp Shanty, a houseboat that has run aground and neglected for a long time. Sea worthy? We don't think so!
SKU 6007643Price $145.00

Snoopy's Treat, No Tricks
Always ready to trick-or-treat, our friend good ole' Charlie Brown is revealed, and so is his faithful canine companion, Snoopy.
SKU 6007647Price $40.00

Fright Night Lit Base
This vignette accessory has all the makings of a frightful scene -- a black sisal with orange LED lights, a rickety black fence, spooky bare tree, pumpkins and a gravestone. Perfect near the cemetery or in the front yard.
SKU 6007708Price $78.00

Upchuck's Soup Kitchen
Soup is usually a welcome and warming meal on a cool fall day, except when it comes from Upchuck's Soup Kitchen. We're never sure what ingredients were used to make the daily special!
SKU 6007785Price $168.00

Cackling Crow Caravan
Delappitated and unkept, this trailer has been parked a little too long! The old hag who owns this trailer is most happy on Halloween when it seems to be a little less creepy than any other time of the year.
SKU 6007791Price $175.00

R.I.P. Cemetery
The R.I.P. Cemetery is the final resting place for thousands of companion animals…but beware visiting on Halloween!
SKU 6011442Price $136.00

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