
Teleflora's Fun 'n Festive Bouquet
Price $44.9544.95- More Details
- Other items you might want to order:
Teleflora's Fun 'n Festive Bouquet More Details
Approximate Size: 11" W x 12" H
Occasionally, substitutions of specific flowers or containers are necessary because of seasonal/regional availability issues. If this occurs, our experienced florists will make sure the style, theme and color scheme of the bouquet is preserved. We will only substitute items of equal or greater value. If, however you have concerns about substitutions we recommend that you place your order by phone at (570) 374-4923 or toll free 1-877-266-6873.
Other items you might want to order:

Teleflora's Fun 'n Festive Bouquet - Deluxe
Send a celebration someone's way with this colorful bouquet, hand-delivered on a special day in a charmingly festive mug. Two gifts in one, they'll love the lush array of roses, carnations and mums just as much as the food-safe mug that's sure to be a favorite for morning coffee and afternoon tea! Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $54.95

Teleflora's Fun 'n Festive Bouquet - Premium
Send a celebration someone's way with this colorful bouquet, hand-delivered on a special day in a charmingly festive mug. Two gifts in one, they'll love the lush array of roses, carnations and mums just as much as the food-safe mug that's sure to be a favorite for morning coffee and afternoon tea! Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $64.95
Extras & Add ons:

Greeting Card Upgrade
Upgrade your gift from a standard enclosure card to a full size greeting card.
Price $4.99

Mylar BalloonsPrice $5.00

A delicious assortment of gourmet chocolates and truffles from some of your favorite brands like Lindt, Godiva, Russell Stover, Asher's, Sweet Shop USA, and more!

Stuffed Animal
A cute & cuddly critter is the perfect addition to any gift!
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