Sympathy Flowers

Touch someone's heart in their time of need. Flowers are a beautiful way to show your love & support during those difficult days.
Teleflora's Forever Faithful Bouquet - Premium
An elegant display of faith and grace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite sculpture of Jesus is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $74.95
Teleflora's Grace And Majesty Bouquet
A bouquet to remember. This glorious garden of roses, lilies and alstroemeria surrounds a gleaming Crystal Cross. It's a radiant, reverent expression of faith that will be appreciated for years to come.
Price $79.99
Teleflora's Grace And Majesty Bouquet - Deluxe
A bouquet to remember. This glorious garden of roses, lilies and alstroemeria surrounds a gleaming Crystal Cross. It's a radiant, reverent expression of faith that will be appreciated for years to come.
Price $89.99
Teleflora's Grace And Majesty Bouquet - Premium
A bouquet to remember. This glorious garden of roses, lilies and alstroemeria surrounds a gleaming Crystal Cross. It's a radiant, reverent expression of faith that will be appreciated for years to come.
Price $99.99
Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet
An exuberant celebration of a beautiful life, this glorious bouquet of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies adds feminine grace to the service.
Price $224.99
Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet - Deluxe
An exuberant celebration of a beautiful life, this glorious bouquet of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies adds feminine grace to the service.
Price $249.99
Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet - Premium
An exuberant celebration of a beautiful life, this glorious bouquet of pink hydrangea, roses and lilies adds feminine grace to the service.
Price $274.99
Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet
A heartfelt celebration of a truly special life, this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lilies beautifully surrounds a touching porcelain keepsake they'll treasure forever.
Price $99.99
Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet - Deluxe
A heartfelt celebration of a truly special life, this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lilies beautifully surrounds a touching porcelain keepsake they'll treasure forever.
Price $109.99
Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet - Premium
A heartfelt celebration of a truly special life, this magnificent bouquet of pink roses and lilies beautifully surrounds a touching porcelain keepsake they'll treasure forever.
Price $119.99
Teleflora's Hearts In Heaven Bouquet
A heartfelt expression of your sympathy, this majestic mix of white roses will rejuvenate the spirit. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel's wing keepsake, etched with an encouraging message they'll cherish forever. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $59.99
Teleflora's Hearts In Heaven Bouquet - Deluxe
A heartfelt expression of your sympathy, this majestic mix of white roses will rejuvenate the spirit. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel's wing keepsake, etched with an encouraging message they'll cherish forever. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $69.99
Teleflora's Hearts In Heaven Bouquet - Premium
A heartfelt expression of your sympathy, this majestic mix of white roses will rejuvenate the spirit. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel's wing keepsake, etched with an encouraging message they'll cherish forever. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $79.99
Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet
A colorful reminder that brighter days are ahead, this uplifting arrangement of sunflowers and roses in an elegant large antiqued pot brings joy and hope. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $124.99
Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet - Deluxe
A colorful reminder that brighter days are ahead, this uplifting arrangement of sunflowers and roses in an elegant large antiqued pot brings joy and hope. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $149.99
Teleflora's Hues Of Hope Bouquet - Premium
A colorful reminder that brighter days are ahead, this uplifting arrangement of sunflowers and roses in an elegant large antiqued pot brings joy and hope. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $174.99
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Teleflora's Loving Grace
A warm and peaceful bounty of pastel blossoms gently expresses love and respect. A gracefully composed arrangement appropriate for home or service.
Price $164.99
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Teleflora's Loving Lilies & Roses
A simply beautiful way to show you care. By sending this elegant arrangement to the home of those in mourning, you are letting them know they are embraced in your thoughts. And in your heart.
Price $139.99
Teleflora's Precious Petals Bouquet
Nestled among bright orange gerberas, pink roses and white lilies, this precious crystal cross keepsake brings joyful reverence to your special occasion.
Price $59.99
Teleflora's Precious Petals Bouquet - Deluxe
Nestled among bright orange gerberas, pink roses and white lilies, this precious crystal cross keepsake brings joyful reverence to your special occasion.
Price $69.99
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