Sympathy Flowers

Touch someone's heart in their time of need. Flowers are a beautiful way to show your love & support during those difficult days.
Teleflora's Precious Petals Bouquet - Premium
Nestled among bright orange gerberas, pink roses and white lilies, this precious crystal cross keepsake brings joyful reverence to your special occasion.
Price $79.99
Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $59.95
Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet - Deluxe
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $69.95
Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet - Premium
Share your heartfelt feelings on the loss of someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $79.95
Teleflora's Soft Blush Bouquet
A touching tribute to a beloved woman, this beautiful, soft pink and lavender arrangement is presented in a large antiqued pot for an elegant touch. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $139.99
Teleflora's Soft Blush Bouquet - Deluxe
A touching tribute to a beloved woman, this beautiful, soft pink and lavender arrangement is presented in a large antiqued pot for an elegant touch. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $164.99
Teleflora's Soft Blush Bouquet - Premium
A touching tribute to a beloved woman, this beautiful, soft pink and lavender arrangement is presented in a large antiqued pot for an elegant touch. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $189.99
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Teleflora's Straight From the Heart
A generous urn of blossoms in regal hues of purple and lavender will be a meaningful expression of your tender devotion. A lovely display for a funeral or memorial service.
Price $112.95
Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet
Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $169.99
Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet - Deluxe
Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $194.99
Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet - Premium
Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $219.99
Teleflora's Wondrous Life Bouquet
Celebrate a wondrous life with this timeless tribute of pure white lilies and roses, arranged in a graceful tulip-shaped ceramic vase. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $69.99
Teleflora's Wondrous Life Bouquet - Deluxe
Celebrate a wondrous life with this timeless tribute of pure white lilies and roses, arranged in a graceful tulip-shaped ceramic vase. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $79.99
Teleflora's Wondrous Life Bouquet - Premium
Celebrate a wondrous life with this timeless tribute of pure white lilies and roses, arranged in a graceful tulip-shaped ceramic vase. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $89.99
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Teleflora’s Heartfelt Memories
A towering display of blooms such as gladioli, carnations and chrysanthemums in royal hues of purple and lavender, presented in a Grecian-style urn, is a gracious representation of your heartfelt sentiments at a funeral, memorial service or wake.
Price $82.95
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Teleflora’s Rose Remembrance
To create a truly stunning tribute, choose a magnificent, fragrant display of peach roses, spray roses and carnations – accented with greenery, and displayed in a classic Grecian Garden urn. A gracious mark of respect for a life well lived.
Price $99.95
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Teleflora’s Rose Tribute
As true as the love symbolized by a red, red rose are the heartfelt memories and deep feelings embraced with this classic and elegant expression of tribute.
Price $134.99
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Teleflora’s Sunny Memories
Honor a bright spirit who was like a ray of sunshine to everyone they encountered, with a grand display of bold yellow blossoms. At more than three feet tall, it will add a touch of brightness to any tribute.
Price $129.95
Treasured And Beloved Bouquet
A treasured tribute to your beloved, this gorgeously grand bouquet of soft blue hydrangea and pure white roses is reminiscent of a clear sky, a hopeful reminder of life and love. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $99.99
Treasured And Beloved Bouquet - Deluxe
A treasured tribute to your beloved, this gorgeously grand bouquet of soft blue hydrangea and pure white roses is reminiscent of a clear sky, a hopeful reminder of life and love. Please note this is a one-sided arrangement.
Price $124.99
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